Boldly Building

I have often pondered the paradox of an all-powerful God who chooses to do His work and accomplish His will, through ordinary people. There are so many examples just in chapter 11 in the book of Hebrews, proving this. God does the impossible THROUGH his chosen people. One of my favourite examples of partnering and building with God is from the book of Nehemiah…

See For Yourself

Disappointment sucks!

There, I said it.

There is no way to sugar-coat it. Whether you are the one dishing it out or on the receiving end, disappointment stings. That is why I do everything I possibly can to avoid it. However, there are times when no matter how hard you try to steer your ship around the iceberg, there is just no way to avoid a full-on collision. The crash is painful enough, but then you’re also left with the broken pieces of the ship and that sinking feeling of loss, grief and confusion.